Sunday, April 22, 2012
G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome)
Being new to the blogosphere and various online forums for guitarists and guitar enthusiasts, it is not unusual for me to come across unfamiliar acronyms. One common term I repeatedly encountered and for which I had to look up the meaning is "GAS," or Guitar Acquisition Syndrome.
And OMG, I recognized all the symptoms in myself. It is basically the uncontrollable urge to purchase "just one more guitar." It is in fact a highly contagious condition that tends to be propagated by fellow guitar enthusiasts, with known hot spots being well-stocked local guitar stores and various online guitar forums. (I'm talking about y'all at "Let's Talk Guild!") It is also enabled by such online portals as Craigslist, eBay, and all the online guitar stores with the cool guitar eye candy. It's now clear I've got a recently re-acquired and virulent case of GAS after being in remission for a couple of decades. The dangers of this affliction include financial hardship and marital difficulties.
When I relayed this humorous acronym to my wife, her only comment was "it's not funny." LOL! So it's time to winnow the herd, as they say. No more purchases until I can sell a few of my recent acquisitions that are not keepers. Not unless a screaming buy happens to come to my attention, of course...
So true!