I've previously written more extensively with tips on safely
traveling with a guitar by plane. For a recent horror story guaranteed to elevate your anxiety levels, however, check out the $10,000 vintage
1965 Gibson ES-335 that Delta Airlines managed to just about destroy last month after refusing musician Dave Schneider even the option of buying the guitar its own seat. The gate-checked guitar ended up getting wedged in a bag elevator upon delivery. After a very public online trashing of Delta started on the guitar owner's
Facebook page that ended up being featured on Yahoo! News and other outlets, Delta finally coughed up some
compensation, and Gibson tossed in a brand new guitar for good measure! It helped that the sordid mayhem was caught on film. Then, of course, there is the classic song and music video by singer Dave Carroll after United Airlines destroyed his
Taylor guitar that has now garnered over 12.5 million views. Caveat utilitor!
And then there is this: http://www.nme.com/news/queen/80932#UWc4o4eWKpYC56dl.01